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Chapters:  I - Definitions   II - Preliminaries   III - Preparation and Progression   IV - General Laws Governing Irregularities   V - The Auction   VI - The Play   VII - Proprieties   VIII - The Score   IX - Tournament Sponsorship   X - Tournament Director   XI - Appeals


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Adjusted score
Artificial - Law 12C
Assigned score - Law 12C
Awarding - Law 12
Indemnity points - Law 88
Laws provide no indemnity - Law 12A
Likely to damage - Law 72B
Normal play impossible - Law 12A
Powers of Appeals Committee - Law 12C
Right to award - Law 12A

Agreements, See Understandings


Adjudication - Law 93B
All others - Law 93B
Arrangements for - Law 80G
Committee available - Law 93B
Committee powers - Law 93B
Concerns Law - Law 93B
Concurrence of appellants - Law 92D
Contestant's right - Law 92A
Made through Director - Law 92C
No Appeals Committee - Law 93A
Notification of right - Law 83
Procedures - Law 93
Time of - Law 92B
To national authority - Law 93C
Without merit - Footnote to Law 92

Appeals Committee
Powers to award adjusted score - Law 12C

Arrangement of tables - Law 3

Artificial score - Law 12C

Assigned score - Law 12C
Need not balance - Law 12C

Assignment of seats - Law 5
Change of direction or table - Law 5B

Card exposed or led during auction - Law 24
Cards taken from wrong board - Law 17D
Commencement of - Law 17A
Duration of - Law 17
End of auction period - Law 17E
Explanation of calls during the auction - Law 20F
Procedure after auction has ended - Law 22
Review after final pass - Law 20C
Review during auction period - Law 20B
Review of - Law 41B
Successive calls - Law 17C
Who may review - Law 20D

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After auction has ended - Law 35D, Law 39B
Followed by a pass out of rotation - Law 30B
Insufficient - Law 18D, Law 27
Insufficient bid accepted - Law 27A
Insufficient bid not accepted - Law 27B
Insufficient bid out of rotation - Law 27C
Methods - Law 18
Mistaken - Footnote to Law 75
More than seven - Law 38
Of more than seven - Law 35C
Out of rotation - Law 31
Proper form - Law 18A
Rank of the denominations - Law 18E
Sufficient - Law 18C
To supersede a bid - Law 18B

Duplication of - Law 6F
Normal play impossible - Law 12A
Not designated to have been played - Law 15A
Not previously played - Law 15A
Placement of - Law 7A
Play of wrong board - Law 15
Previously played - Law 15B
Removal of cards - Law 7B
Scoring of fouled - Law 87B

Dealer and vulnerability - Law 2
Duplicate - Law 2
Movement of - Law 8A

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After final pass - Law 35D, Law 39
Based on caller's misunderstanding - Law 21A
Based on misinformation - Law 21
Based on misinformation from an opponent - Law 21B
By correct player - Law 28B
Change by opponent following correction - Law 21B
Change of call - Law 21B
Changed and not accepted - Lead penalties - Law 25B
Changes of
Delayed or purposeful correction - Law 25B
Immediate correction of inadvertency - Law 25A
In rotation - Law 28
Inadmissible call condoned - Law 35
Inadmissible double - Law 35A
Inadmissible redouble - Law 35A
Incomplete or erroneous call of card from dummy - Law 46
Not clearly heard - Law 20A
Out of rotation
Out of rotation - Forfeiture of right to penalise - Law 29A
Out of rotation cancelled - Law 29B
Out of rotation conventional - Law 29C
Retention of right to call - Law 34
Review and explanation - Law 20
RHO required to pass - Law 28A
Substitute condoned - Law 25B
Substitute not condoned - Law 25B
Too late to change call - Law 21B
Withdrawn, Lead penalties - Law 26

Call out of rotation
Cancelled - Law 29B
Forfeiture of right to penalise - Law 29A
Is conventional - Law 29C

Explanation during the auction - Law 20F
Explanation during the play period - Law 20F
Explanation of - Law 20F
Simultaneous - Law 33

Cannot be found - Law 14
Compulsory play of card - Law 45C
Correction of designation - Law 45C
Designated or named - Law 45C
Designating dummy's card - Law 46A
Exposed or led during auction - Law 24
Fifth card played to a trick - Law 45E
Incomplete or erroneous call of card from dummy - Law 46
Indicated by dummy - Law 45F
Misplayed by dummy - Law 45D
Missing - Law 14
Penalty - Law 45C, Law 50, Law 51, Law 52
Penalty card
Played - Law 45
Retraction of card played - Law 47

Card missing - Law 14
Noticed at any later time - Law 14B
Noticed before play commences - Law 14A

Cards - Law 1
Counting before play - Law 7B
Exposure by declarer - Law 48
Exposure by defender - Law 49
Incorrect number - Law 13
Incorrectly dealt or exposed - Law 6D
Inspection of - Law 7B
Played subsequent to revoke - Law 62C
Removal from board - Law 7B
Retaining possession of - Law 7B
Returning to board - Law 7C
Taken from wrong board - Law 17D

Change of play
Misinformation - Law 47E

Acquiescence - Law 69
Acquiescence withdrawn - Law 69B
Clarification - Law 68C
Concession defined - Law 68B
Contested - Law 70
Defined - Law 68A
New line of play - Law 70D
Outstanding trump - Law 70C
Play ceases - Law 68D
Unstated line of finesse or drop - Law 70E

Communication - Law 73
Between partners - Law 73A
Gratuitous - Law 73B
Inappropriate - Law 73B
Mannerisms - Law 73A
Prearranged - Law 73B
Tempo or manner - Law 73D
Unauthorised information from partner - Law 73C

Concession, See Claim
Cancelled - Law 71
Implausible - Law 71C

Conduct - Law 74
Courtesy - Law 74A
Correct procedure - Law 74A
Detaching card - Law 74, Law 74B
Discourteous manner - Law 74B
Etiquette - Law 74B
Gratuitous comments - Law 74B
Inattention - Law 74B
Lack of further interest - Law 74C
Leaving the table - Law 74C
Prolonging play - Law 74B
Significant occurrence - Law 74C
Varying tempo - Law 74C
Violations of procedure - Law 74C




Convention card - Law 40E
Referring to opponent's card - Law 40E
Right to prescribe - Law 40E

Regulation of - Law 40D

Premature - Law 9C

Counting cards - Law 7B

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Deal - Law 6B
At Director's instructions - Law 6D
Cards incorrectly dealt or exposed - Law 6D
Different method of dealing or pre-dealing - Law 6E
Director's options - Law 6E
No deal - Law 6D

Dealer and vulnerability - Law 2

Deception - Law 73E


Defective trick - Law 67



Rank - Law 18E

Director - See also Tournament Director
Delegation of duties - Law 81D
Discretionary powers - Law 12
Option regarding understandings - Law 40C
Power to disqualify - Law 91B
Power to refer question - Law 83
Power to suspend - Law 91A
Powers - Law 81C
Status - Law 81A
Summoning - Law 9B

Answering questions - Law 20F, Law 75C
Convention card - Law 40E
Habitual violations - Law 75B
Requirement - Law 40B, Law 75A
Unanticipated violations - Law 75B

Inadmissible - Law 35A, Law 36
Legal - Law 19A
Of incorrectly stated bid - Law 19A
Out of rotation - Law 32
Proper form - Law 19A
Superseded - Law 19C

Doubled contract
Scoring - Law 19D

Doubles - Law 19

Drafting Committee

Designating card to be played from - Law 46A
Faced hand - Law 41D
Indicates card - Law 45F
Limitations - Law 43A
Qualified rights - Law 42B
Rights - Law 42

Duplication of board - Law 6F

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End of last round - Law 8C

End of round - Law 8B

End of session - Law 8C


Calls during the auction - Law 20F
Calls during the play period - Law 20F
Correcting errors - Law 75D
Mistaken - Law 75D
Of calls - Law 20F
Presumed mistaken - Footnote to Law 75

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Final pass
Review of auction - Law 20C

Follow suit

Forfeiture of the right to penalise - Law 11

Further bids or plays - Law 9B

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Hand records - Law 13A


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Illegal alternative is chosen - Law 16A


Inadmissible call
Condoned - Law 35

Inadmissible call condoned
Action by player required to pass - Law 35B
After final pass - Law 35D
Double - Law 35A
Of more than seven - Law 35C
Redouble - Law 35A

Immediate correction - Law 25A

Incorrect number of cards - Law 13

Incorrect penalty - Law 12A

Laws provide no indemnity - Law 12A

Extraneous - Law 16
Extraneous information from partner - Law 16A
From mannerisms of opponents - Law 16
From other sources - Law 16B
From withdrawn calls and plays - Law 16C
Gratuitous - Law 73B
Legal calls and/or plays - Law 16
Unauthorised - Law 16

Concealing - Law 72B
Inadvertent - Law 72B
Intentional - Law 72B
Likely to damage - Law 72B
Of Law - Law 72B

Insufficient bid
Accepted - Law 27A
Not accepted - Law 27B
Out of rotation - Law 27C

International matchpoint

Interpretation of the Laws

Correction of
General Laws governing irregularities

After attention is called - Law 9B
Called by spectator - Law 11B
Calling attention to - Law 9A
Choice after - Law 10C
Damage to non-offending side - Law 72B
Further bids or plays - Law 9B
Opponents' rights - Law 9B
Premature correction - Law 9C
Procedure following - Law 9
Retention of rights - Law 9B
Summoning the Director - Law 9B

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Laws Commission
American Contract Bridge League

Laws Committee
European Bridge League

Faced lead out of turn - Law 54
Inability to lead as required - Law 59
Not accepted - Law 54D
Opening faced - Law 41C
Opening lead - Law 41A
Out of turn
Out of turn accepted - Law 53
Out of turn by declarer - Law 55
Out of turn by defender - Law 56
Penalties - Law 26
Premature - Law 57

Lead penalties
If call withdrawn - Law 26

Simultaneous - Law 58


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Call based on misinformation - Law 21
Change of play - Law 47E

Missing card - Law 14
Noticed at any later time - Law 14B
Noticed before play commences - Law14A

Of boards - Law 8A
Of players - Law 8A

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Non-offending side
Action by - Law 11A

Normal play
Impossible - Law 12A

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Obligation to pass
Action violating obligation to pass - Law 37

Odd Trick

Opening lead
Face down - Law 41A
Faced - Law 41C


Opponents' rights - Law 9B

Choice among - Law 10C
Explanation of - Law 10C


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Pack, See also Law 1

Extraneous information from - Law 16A

Partnership understandings, See Understandings

Partnerships - Law 4


Action violating obligation to pass - Law 37
Damaging enforced pass - Law 23
Out of rotation - Law 30
Out of rotation before any player has bid - Law 30A
Out of rotation when conventional - Law 30C

Pass out of rotation
After any player has bid - Law 30B
Before any player has bid - Law 30A
When pass is a convention - Law 30C

Mandatory - Law 73A

Disciplinary - Law 91A
In individual events - Law 89

Action by non-offending side - Law 11A
After forfeiture of the right to penalise - Law 11C
After revoke is established - Law 64A
Assessment of - Law 10
Cancellation of payment or waiver of - Law 10B
Comparing scores - Law 90B
Director's authority - Law 90A
Discretionary - Law 84E
Errors in procedure - Law 90B
Failure to comply promptly - Law 90B
Forfeiture of the right to penalise - Law 11
Incorrect penalty has been paid - Law 12A
Irregularity called by spectator - Law 11B
Lead penalties - Law 26
Loud discussion - Law 90B
Misplacing cards - Law 90B
No adjustment for undue severity - Law 12B
Not assessed after revoke - Law 64B
Offences subject to - Law 90B
Right to assess - Law 10A
Slow play - Law 90B
Tardiness - Law 90B
Touching another's cards - Law 90B

Penalty card - Law 45C
Failure to play - Law 52

Penalty cards
Two or more - Law 51

Placement of board - Law 7A

After an illegal play - Law 60
After irregularity - Law 60A
Commencement of - Law 41
Inability to follow suit - Law 44D
Inability to play as required - Law 59
Lead - Law 44A
Premature - Law 57
Procedure of - Law 44
Requirement to follow suit - Law 44C
Subsequent plays - Law 44B

Play period
Explanation of calls during the play period - Law 20F

Movement of - Law 8A

Simultaneous - Law 58

Powers of Directors - Law 12

English edition

Premature correction
Of an irregularity - Law 9C

Premium points


After auction has ended - Law 22
After auction has ended and no player has bid - Law 22A
After auction has ended and one or more players have bid - Law 22B
After establishment of a revoke - Law 64
Director's duty - Law 82A
Director's error - Law 82C
Errors of - Law 82
Of play - Law 44
Rectification of error - Law 82B

Responsibility for - Law 7D

Promulgating bodies and approving bodies

Choice of action suggested - Law 73F
Enforcement of Laws - Law 72A
False inference drawn - Law 73F
General obligation - Law 72A
Legal options - Law 72A
Offenders' options - Law 72A
Score for trick not won - Law 72A
Tricks won - Law 72A
Violation of - Law 73F
Waiving of penalties - Law 72A

Psychic call

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Concerning auction before opening lead - Law 41B

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Cards and suits - Law 1
Denominations - Law 18E
Incomplete designation - Law 46B


Redeal - Law 6D
Required - Law 13A

Inadmissible - Law 35A, Law 36
Legal - Law 19B
Of an incorrectly stated bid - Law 19B
Out of rotation - Law 32
Proper form - Law 19B
Superseded - Law 19C

Redoubled contract
Scoring - Law 19D

Redoubles - Law 19B

Agreement on - Law 65D

Retention of rights - Law 9B

Retraction of card played - Law 47

After final pass - Law 20C
Correction of error - Law 20E
Of auction during auction period - Law 20B
Of auction after final pass - Law 20C
Of auction and questions - Law 41B
Of calls - Law 20
Of the play - Law 65C
Who may review the auction - Law 20D

After calls to next deal - Law 64B
After round has ended - Law 64B
Attention illegally drawn - Law 63B
Before partner plays to twelfth trick - Law 62D
By failure to play a faced card - Law 64B
Correction - Law 62
Definition - Law 61A
Equity - Law 64C
Established - Law 63
Inquiries - Law 61B
On trick twelve - Law 62D
On twelfth trick - Law 64B
Penalty assessed - Law 64A
Penalty not assessed - Law 64B
Procedure after establishment - Law 64
Right to inquire - Law 61B


Right to assess penalty - Law 10A

Right to call
Retention of - Law 34

Dummy's rights - Law 42
Opponent's - Law 9B
Retention of - Law 9B


End of - Law 8B
End of last round - Law 8C

On agreed facts - Law 84
On disputed facts - Law 85

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Scope and interpretation of the Laws

Adjusted - Law 12
Artificial - Law 12C
Assigned - Law 12C
Average - Law 86A
Award adjusted - Law 16B
Non balancing adjustments - Law 86B

Doubled contract - Law 19D
Error - Law 79C
Fouled board - Law 87B
Indemnity points - Law 88
International matchpoints - Law 78B
Matchpoints - Law 78A
Methods - Law 78
Redoubled contract - Law 19D
Special methods - Law 78D
Total point - Law 78C

Scoring table - Law 77

End of - Law 8C

Shuffle - Law 6
At Director's instructions - Law 6D
Before play starts - Law 6A
Director's options - Law 6E
New - Law 6D
No shuffle - Law 6D



Irregularity called by - Law 11B
Participation - Law 76B

Spectators - Law 76
Conduct - Law 76A
Mannerisms or remarks - Law 76A

Sponsoring organisation - Law 80
Conditions of contest - Law 78D
Conditions of entry - Law 80D
Correction period -Law 79C
Duties and powers - Law 80

Appoint after unauthorised information - Law 16B


Suits - Law 1

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Tempo - Law 73D
Unvarying - Law 73E

Tempo or manner
Inadvertent variations - Law 73D
Intentional variations - Law 73D

Defective - Law 67
Fifth card played - Law 45E
Turning - Law 45G

Trick Points

Arrangement of - Law 65
Inspection of - Law 66
Player mixes his cards - Law 65D - Law 66D
Review of the play - Law 65C
Won - Law 65B, Law 79A


Tricks containing - Law 44E
Tricks not containing - Law 44F


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Unauthorised information - Law 16
Appoint substitute - Law 16B
From partner - Law 73C
Illegal alternative is chosen - Law 16A

Concealed partnership understandings prohibited - Law 40B
Director's option - Law 40C
Failure to explain the full meaning - Law 40C
Habitual violations - Law 75B
Regulation of conventions - Law 40D
Right to choose call or play - Law 40A
Special agreements - Law 75A
Violation of agreements - Law 75B


Undue severity of penalty - Law 12B

Unusual methods - Footnote to Law 40

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Variations in tempo or manner - Law 73D


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Waiver of penalty - Law 10B

Top of page Up Preface Contents Scope Index ?
Chapters:  I - Definitions   II - Preliminaries   III - Preparation and Progression   IV - General Laws Governing Irregularities   V - The Auction   VI - The Play   VII - Proprieties   VIII - The Score   IX - Tournament Sponsorship   X - Tournament Director   XI - Appeals
Last modified: Sun Apr 26 13:45:59 1998